The presentation of various block and inline elements can be adjusted by setting style keys. Each category takes XSL-FO key definitions and keys specific to that style.

While the style keys may look like CSS, the keys are XSL-FO properties and the underlying PDF2 plug-in does not use CSS compatibility properties.

  • Instead of padding-top, use padding-before.
  • Instead of margin-left, use start-indent. Note that these two keys do not have matching semantics, see XSL 1.1.

There is no default theme that defines base key values. Instead, a theme extends the PDF2 default styling. If you want to define common settings, create a theme file for shared settings, and use the extends key in other themes to build on the common foundation.

    font-family: serif
    font-size: 12pt
    space-after: 6pt
    space-before: 6pt
    start-indent: 25pt
    font-family: sans-serif
    font-size: 26pt
    color: blue
    text-decoration: underline

Block keys


Default body text, for example <p> elements.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Shortdesc and abstract styles.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


First level topic titles.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • title-numbering = boolean


Second level topic titles.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • title-numbering = boolean


Third level topic titles.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • title-numbering = boolean


Fourth level topic titles.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • title-numbering = boolean


Cover page.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Cover page title.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • content = content-template


Section element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Section element title.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Definition list element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • dl-type = 'table' | 'list' | 'html' — style definition list as bulleted list or indented list


Example element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Example element title.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Figure element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • caption-number = 'chapter' | 'document' — number figures with chapter prefix or use whole document numbering.
  • caption-position = 'before' | 'after' — place figure caption before or after figure.


Figure caption.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • content: Contents of figure caption. Supported fields are:
    • number: caption number
    • title: caption contents


Note element with @type note or without @type.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Label for note elements.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.

  • content — content template.


Note element with @type. Type values are:

  • note
  • tip
  • fastpath
  • restriction
  • important
  • remember
  • attention
  • caution
  • notice
  • danger
  • warning
  • trouble
  • other

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Label for note elements with @type.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.

  • content — content template.


Ordered list.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Unordered list.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Preformatted element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Code block element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • line-numbering = boolean – line numbering.
  • show-whitespace = boolean – show whitespace characters.


Table element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • caption-number = 'chapter' | 'document' — number figures with chapter prefix or use whole document numbering.
  • caption-position = 'before' | 'after' — place figure caption before or after figure.
  • table-continued = boolean — output “table continued” when table breaks across pages.


Table caption.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

  • content: Contents of table caption. Supported fields are:
    • number: caption number
    • title: caption contents


Table header row

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


First level TOC entry.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Second level TOC entry.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Third level TOC entry.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.


Fourth level TOC entry.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:block.

Inline keys

Link elements.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.

  • link-url = 'true' | 'false' — output URL for external links after explicitly defined link text.


Trademark element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.

  • symbol-scope = 'always' | 'chapter' | 'never' — output trademark symbol always, once per chapter, or never.


Keyword element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.


Term element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.


Code phrase element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.


File path element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.


Comment name element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.


Variable name element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.


User input element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.


System output element.

The styling properties that can be used are listed in XSL fo:inline.